Before Chemotherapy Starts

Advice for Chemotherapy

Advice for Chemotherapy

Before Chemotherapy Starts

There are some preparations you can do before your treatment starts. Chemotherapy can make you fatigued, and more difficult to keep going with every day’s activities.

•Arrange someone to help you. As you may not feel as energic as before, try to organize for someone or different people to help you with our daily tasks. Arranging your transport to the hospital, or at least a company, can also be very helpful, since it will make using public transportation and waiting a lot easier.

•Have a complete dental check-up. During chemotherapy, your body’s defense system will be weakened and, during dental procedures, the bacteria from your teeth can get into the blood stream, what can be a dangerous combination.

•Check with your doctor your restrictions during treatment. Some medicines require special preparations or that you avoid some foods or drinks on the day of your sessions.

•Ask your doctor about the possible side effects and how they are likely to affect your routine. He or she can explain, for example, how likely it is for you to lose your hair or which activities it will be harder for you to do.

•Consider buying a wig if you are likely to lose your hair. If you do it before the treatment starts, you will have more disposition and will be able to better match the wig to your hair color

During Chemotherapy

•On the day of your sessions, eat light and stay well-hydrated. Drink lots of water, and try to eat high-fiber food, because they can hold the moisture in your bowel.

•Ask questions about what is being given to you. Each infusion may contain different drugs, and it is important for you to know how they work and which side effects are possible.

•Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They have drying effects, which add up to the dryness normally caused by chemotherapy drugs.

•Keep track of your side effects. Write what you feel, when you feel it, and how you manage it. It is very important for you doctors to know exactly what is happening to you, to give you a better treatment.

•Allow yourself to be tired, and to rest. It is completely normal to feel fatigued, and the best option is to rest. Clear you schedule during the hours after chemo, because you will probably want to take a nap or just relax.

•Wear comfortable clothing. Your quality of life must be your most important goal, so wear clothes that allow you to feel ok while receiving the medication.