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Donations Methods
Your Donation Will Make a Difference

Your donation will help Baheya continue to provide its services to thousands of women in all governorates of Egypt. Through the official donation channels, you can support every Egyptian woman and protect thousands of families from loss.

Technical Support

If you experience any problems or need help, please email us or call our Supporter Care Team on  01000213531

مؤسسة بهية - جمهورية مصر العربية

U.S. residents seeking to make donations eligible for U.S. tax deductions can donate online by Click here

Q: Are donations to Empower Her taxdeductible in the U.S.?
A: Yes, donations to Empower Her are taxdeductible in the U.S., as we are a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization.

Alternatively, donations can be made via:
- Online payment
- Bank transfer
- Sending a check mailed to: Address: 374 Westdale Ave, Westerville, OH 43082