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Tell your manager and colleagues at work that you have breast cancer

Tell your manager and colleagues at work that you have breast cancer

Tell your manager and colleagues at work that you have breast cancer

Once you know that you have breast cancer. You will start asking yourself about your colleagues at work. As long as your work effort, or schedule will not be affected according to diagnosis, you cannot tell your colleagues. On the other hand, if the diagnosis and the treatment plan will affect your work effort, or time, so you have to tell your colleagues in order not to be a matter of talk for them.
It’s your own decision whom to tell: Your supervisor, your office colleagues, or all people at work.
You have to expect people’s reaction: some will support, and others will not bother.
Think of your comfort, so do what helps you feel rest
Here are some advices for you:
Choose comfortable place to tell your colleagues
Divide them into small groups: Each group is from 1-3 persons for easier conversation.
Assure that you’re committed to your work schedule as much as you can.
Explain that you may need some flexibility in your work schedule time.
Allow them to ask you some questions about the disease, like the looking change, and the hair fall.